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Top 8 Safety Tips for Pets During Halloween

14695596_969432443161528_910222805760612276_nHalloween is right around the corner! Are you getting ready for the festivities? There are many exciting things that take place this time of the year: parties, pumpkins, candies and costumes. There are also a few things to keep in mind if you are a pet owner: holiday dangers, nervous pets, wires, chocolates and more. Below is a list of a few quick reminders to keep in mind during this fun fall holiday. If you take the right precautions and keep your pet at the forefront of your mind, you’ll be less likely to have safety issues with your pets this Halloween!

Safety Tips for Pet Parents

  1. Keep the candy away from your furry friends. This tip is incredibly important. You hear it year-after-year, but pets still end up in the emergency room after accidental candy ingestion. Try to keep the candy off the floor and away from areas where pets can access it. Remind children in the household of holiday and other pet dangers. It’s never a bad idea to refresh yourself and others about what foods and candies are dangerous to pets.    


  1. Beware of nervous pets. If you have a nervous pet that does not react well to multiple visitors or scary costumes, be sure to take proactive measures to help your pet feel comfortable on October 31. Keep your pet in another room or offer them a calming support formula. Make sure that your nervous pet does not have access to the front door. You never know when a pet might demonstrate erratic behaviors like trying to run away from an uncomfortable situation. Keep a close eye on your pet throughout the night.


  1. Cords and wires can be hazardous. Some pets are attracted to new wires and cords like a kid in a candy shop. Cords can look like a lot of fun to a feline that enjoys playing with yarn or dangly toys. Keep them out of reach or tape the cord down so they are not tempted to chew.


  1. Watch the front door. Don’t let your pet escape when you open the door to trick-or-treaters. Keep a close eye on your pet or put them in another room.


  1. Don’t forget the identification. Just in case your pet gets outside and runs off, put ID on his or her collar. Make sure that the information on the tag is still correct. If you find yourself in a lost pet situation, read this blog post for more advice.


  1. Know your pet and understand if they like or dislike dressing up. You know your pet better than anyone else. If your pet doesn’t mind having a costume on, that’s great. However, there are many pets that find costumes or dangling materials to be a nuisance. If your pet is trying to take off their costume, allow them to do so. It’s not worth making them miserable.


  1. Decide if your pet should stay at home or come along. It can be fun to dress up your pet and have them come along trick-or-treating with you. As mentioned in tip six, know your pet and understand if he or she will feel comfortable in this abnormal situation.


  1. Be careful when using candles. Candles can be easy to tip over. Keep your pet in mind if you plan to use teacup candles in your jack-o-lanterns. We all know that candles can cause a serious fire. Consider using battery powered flickering candles instead.


Happy Halloween! We hope you have a great time while avoiding safety issues with your pets.


– Photo Credit: Pictured is Mia, our recent Halloween photo contest winner. Photographer: T. Deming. 

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